Nerve Injuries: Short Case

Nerve Injuries: Short Case

Nerve injuries are important short cases for clinical examinations and OSCE for medical students Radial Nerve Branches from Posterior Cord of Brachial plexus( Infront of subscapularis) ↓ Anterior to lattismus dorsi ↓ Through triangular space with profundus brachii artery ↓ Enters upper arm between long head of triceps and medial head of triceps ↓ Spiral […]

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 Peripheral Nerve Injury

Peripheral Nerve Injury

Peripheral Nerve Injury is an injury to peripheral nerves which may result in loss of motor function, sensory function, or both. Anatomy of Peripheral Nerve Epineurium: Connective tissue layers of the peripheral nerve which both muscle and runs between fascicles Functions: Nourish and protects fascicles Within and through epineurium:- Lie neutral fasciclesàeach surrounded by the […]

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