Stress is a complex set of physical, and psychological reactions that occur as one response to a demanding and threatening situation.
Types of Stressor
- Internal
Originates inside a person eg. Fever, Menopause, Pregnancy, etc
- External
Originates outside person, like environmental change, Change in family roles
Other types
- Physical Stressor (Results from internal physical symptoms)
- Psychological Stressor (Time pressors or unrealistic expectations)
- Financial Stressor (When people have to decrease supply increased demands)
- Spiritual Stressor (When basic spiritual values are called into question)
- Social Stressor (Interpersonal relationship/ Social relationship)
Body’s Response to Stress
- The Local Adaptation Syndrome
- The General Adaptation Syndrome (3 stages)
- Alarm Reaction
- Stage of Resistance
- Stage of exhaustion
- Task-Oriented Behavior
- Attack behavior
- Withdrawal behavior
- Compromise behavior
- Ego-defense mechanism
- Compensation
- Conversion
- Denial
- Displacement
- Identification
- Regression
Stress Management techniques
- Individual Strategies
- Organizational Strategies
Individual Strategies
- Physical exercises
- Behavioral self-control
- Networking
- Counseling
- Yogas and meditations
Organization Strategies
mnemonics: C: APPI
- Clear and Open Communications
- Accountability
- Positive workplace culture
- Prevention programs
- Intentional job design
See also: Participative Management
See also: Management
See also: Problem Solving Techniques
See also: Planning