Recurrent dislocation of the patella occurs episodically as the force is generated, and disturbs the patellofemoral kinematics.
Important terms:
- Medial patella-femoral ligaments
- Trochea hypoplasia
- Patella Alta
- TT-TG ( Tibial tuberosity- Trochlear groove )
- Congenital Patella dislocation occurs since birth
- Acute patella dislocation is an acute con
- Old unreduced patellar (permanent) dislocation, where dislocation is chronic and persists with all knee movement
- Recurrent patellar dislocation: episodic
- Habitual patellar dislocation occurs during each movement of flexion of the knee
- Patella subluxation
In recurrent dislocation
With the increased number of dislocations
- Apposing aspects of patella eroded and thinned
- Lateral femoral condyle
- The medial capsular structure will become stretched
- The patellar tendon becomes elongated
- Patella ride is high, re-displacement occurs with more incredible case
The predisposing factor for dislocation
- Genu valgum
- Shallow lateral femoral condyle
- Elongated patella tendon (high riding-patella Alta)
- Deficient Vastus medialis
- Tight lateral structures
- External tibial torsion
- Internal femoral torsion
- Lateral insertion of the patella
- Medial condyle laxity
- Deformed patella (shallow patella groove)
- Abnormal attachment of iliotibial tract on the patella
- Soft tissue abnormality:
- Hyperlaxity of soft tissue
- Cerebral Palsy, Downs syndrome
On examination:
Genu valgum
Squinting of patella
Patella Apprehension test (30 degrees of flexion: gently push laterally: apprehension)
Patella tilt test
Patella tracking: J-sign
Roentgenographic finding
Lateral View
Blumensant’s line:
The lower border of the patella lies typically at the line projected forward from the intercondylar notch
In patella Alta, the patella is well above the line
PA view
Valgus angle
Q angle is measured
The angle formed by the line of pull of quadriceps and vertical line measures less than 20 degree
Angle >20 degrees: predispose to lateral displacement of the patella
Tangential patellar view
- Lateral tilting: increase in joint interval beneath medial patellar facet
- Subluxed patella
- Shallow lateral femoral condyle
- Medial femoral condyle: degenerative changes over the surface that are opposed to the medial patella facet
- The osteochondral fragment is usually present over the medial border of the patella
- Patellofemoral arthritis
- Sulcus angle: N: <144 degrees
If >144 degrees, its called dysplastic trochlea
Treatment Options
- Patella tapping
- Gluteal strengthing exercises
- Closed chain quadriceps exercises (1st correct external malalignment: eg. Genu valgum)
- Align quadriceps apparatus to a more medial position
- Broadly divided into
And combined given by D.P. Bakshi
Types of surgical procedures are determined by following anatomical/ pathological features
- Isolated lateral release of extensor retinaculum is never sufficient
- In genu-valgum, correction of deformity can correct the problem
- High-riding patella:
- In skeletally mature : (Hauser) distal transfer of tibial tuberosity( C.I. in growing child)
- In skeletally immature: medial transposition of the patella tendon
- Trochlea dysplasia: Trochleoplasty/ Albee’s operation
- No, skeletal deformity: Construction of medial patella-femoral ligament and lateral release done
Procedures for recurrent dislocation of the patella
Hauser Operation
Tibial tubercle and attached patella tendon, transplanted medially and distally
- Fulkerson’s osteotomy: Variant of Hauser
Anteromedial transfer of tibial tuberosity
Goldthwaite-Roux operation
Patella’s tendon is split longitudinally and the lateral half is drawn medially are attached to the inner border of the patella tendon
Tendon transplantation
The inner hamstring attaches to the inner border of the patella
Albee’s Operation
When lateral femoral condyle is shallow
Osteotomy is done at the lateral femoral condyle in the frontal plane
Anterior fragment of bone elevated and maintained by bone graft
Simple Imbrication
The inner third of the capsular covering is freed from the patella and imbricated over lateral 2/3rd
Elmslie-Trillant Procedure
MPFL reconstruction and medialization (tibial tubercle osteotomy then medialized) + distalization as patella is high