Pirani Score was given by Dr. Shafique Pirani who is a Clinical Professor at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Division of Pediatric Orthopaedics, at the University of British Columbia. This Score is a simple and reliable system to determine the severity and monitor progress in the Assessment and Treatment of Clubfoot
Midfoot Score Sign
1. Medial Crease
2. Curved lateral border
3. Talar Head
Palpate talar head laterally with thumb
Gently abduct the foot to reduce navicular till resistance is felt
Assess how much talar head remains palpable
Hindfoot Sign in Pirani Score
1. Empty Heel sign
Gently extend ankle till resistance is felt
Palpate calcaneal tuberosity through fat pad at corner of the heel
- Tuberosity immediately palpable: 0
- Tuberosity felt only with deep palpation: 0.5
- Tuberosity not palpable: 1
2. Posterior crease
- Multiple creases: 0
- Nonindentary solitary crease: 0.5
- Single indentary crease:1
3. Rigid Equinus
Gently extend the ankle till resistance is felt
Determine dorsiflexion angle from the lateral side
See also: Congenital Talipus Equinovarus (CTEV)
See also: Congenital Vertical Talus (CVT)