Modified Stoppa approach is a surgical approach used for fixation of the pelvic fracture with improved visualization of both the columns.
- Incongruent hip joint
- Associated both columnar fractures
- Improve visualization of columns
- Direct instrumentation of the quadrangular surface
- Easy control of corona Mortis
- Easy access to the pubic symphysis
- Reduce dissection of the inguinal canal
- Difficulty in reducing small peripheral ant. wall fragments a/w the anterior column fracture.
Surgical procedure for Modified Stoppa Approach
Supine position
The surgeon stands on the opposite side of the fracture
An injured leg is included in the surgical field with a sterile wrapped/bolster or triangle beneath the knee
Skin incision( Pfannenstiel incision)
Subcutaneous tissue divided in the line of incision: Exposure of fascia overlying both rectus muscle of abdomen
Rectus fascia incised in a longitudinal fashion in the line of linea aspara
Both bellies of rectus abdominis muscles are gently retracted laterally
Care should be taken not to incise the peritoneum proximally
The entire approach is done in pre-peritoneal space
The medial part of rectus femoris is partly detached from the upper and anterior part of symphysis on the side of the fracture to be retracted
The upper border of superior pubic rami is identified (pectes pubis) and blunt dissection using a finger or swab is corrected laterally using along the pelvic brim without incising fascia
Corona Mortis vessels ligated (mostly venous) on the medial side of superior rami
Thick periosteum from superior pubic bone dissected sharply using diathermy till Ilio-pectineal eminence
Ilio-pectineal arch is dissected from bone
Elevates femoral nerve and vessels
At this level, obturator neurovascular bundle is crossing quadrangular surface
Spatula or malleable retractor is used to protect obturator neurovascular bundle
Psoas and vessels retracted laterally
Obturator bundle and bladder: medially
Lateral window: Can be made along iliac crest starting 2 cm posterior to ASIS following iliac crest posteriorly
Dangers/Complications following the Modified Stoppa approach
- Injury to obturator nerves/vessels, Corona Mortis, External iliac vessels, bladder
See also: Surgical approaches to Spine