December 5, 2024

Human Resources in Health is defined as “all people engaged in actions whose primary intent is to enhance health” as per WHO

Principles of Human Resources in Health Management (HRM)

mnemonics: C The SPIRIT of 2 Labor
  1. Effective Communication
  2. Team Spirit
  3. Participation
  4. Individual Development
  5. Incentives
  6. Remuneration
  7. Scientific Selection
  8. Dignity of Labour
  9. Principle of Labour

Components/ Process of Human Resource Management (HRM)

  • Acquisition
  • Development
  • Utilization
  • Maintainance


The right number of people at the right place at the right time

1. Human Resource Planning

  • Assessing current human resources
  • Forecasting demand
  • Forecasting supply
  • Matching demands with supply
  • Action plans

2. Job Analysis

  • Job description
  • Job selection

3. Recruitment

  • Internal
  • External

4. Selection

  • Application evaluation
  • Preliminary Interviews
  • Selection tests
    • Aptitude tests
    • Intelligence test
    • Personality test
  • Reference Check
  • Final Interview
  • Medical Test

5. Placement

6. Socialization

Human Resources in Health


1. Assessing development needs

2. Employee training

3. Management development

4. Catar development


1. Motivation

2. Job design

3. Performance appraisal

4. Reward management


1. Labour relation

2. Employee discipline

3. Grievance handling

4. Welfare

HRM system deals with the totality of the manpower management function:- RIGHT PERSON AT RIGHT TIME

Human Resources in Health


  • Health service expansion and the network have reached a local level, wards, and communities
  • Health service responsibility and leadership are available at the federal and local level
  • The mobilization of women health volunteers at the community level is uniform
  • Agendas have been established for organizational and management reforms in the health sector
  • The country’s health policy, rules, regulations, and standards have been formulated to larger extend
  • The availability of physical infrastructure, equipment, and tools is being done, which has created the interest of the health workforce in carrying out the work
  • Laboratory, X-ray services and equipment related to support services for diagnosis are increasing in availability, and production and development of expert manpower have continued
  • The private sector is also developing and mobilizing health manpower production in accordance with the provision to operate health services
  • Manpower is increasing within the country for the production of essential medicine
  • The investment in the health sector by the government is increasing
  • A methodology has been developed for formulating and implementing a health human resources plan


  • No effective collaboration between the bodies that produce health manpower and the bodies that use, produced manpower. Due to this, some sector has more health manpower however some sector has less or no health manpower. So, the needs of the country’s health system have not been made.
  • The number of educational institutions producing and developing health manpower is increasing significantly. However integrated standards related to the establishment and operation of education institutes have not been developed and implemented. It seems that the organization and efficiency of regulating the body should be improved.
  • According to the need training, workshop, and task shifting should be provided to health manpower
  • Access to medical education is still difficult for the economically disadvantaged group in remote areas. Due to this health manpower production has become less in remote places.
  • Scientific methods should be determined for the number of health manpower based on geographical conditions, the workload, and the standard of health institute services should be maintained.
  • Data regarding the number of doctors in the governmental, non-governmental sector and private sectors should be updated and recruitment according to the need is essential.
  • A federalism system has been implemented in the country; accordingly, health service providers and centers should be developed.
  • Retaining doctors and other health manpower is always a challenge that should be managed by providing facilities, minimum infrastructures, housing, etc.

See also: Conflict Management

See also: Participative Management

See also: Co-ordination and Communication

See also: Appreciative Inquiry

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