Elbow examination are performed to evaluate the different pathologies of the elbow from traumatic and non-traumatic.
Clinical approaches from
- Trauma
- Non-Trauma cases
Elbow Joint is a Hinge Joint (Humero-ulnar articulation)
But look for
- Radioulnar
- Superior Radioulnar joint
Common childhood injury: Prone to stiffness due to neglected and inappropriately treatment
To know the functional position (Right / Left)
Clinical Presentation
- Pain
- Swelling
- Stiffness
- Deformity
- Instability
- Paresthesia/ Neurological manifestation
History Taking
- Duration of pain
- Dominant limb and profession
- History of Injury/ constitutional symptoms
- H/O polyarthralgia
- Management history
- History of massage
- Limitation of ADL
- Referred pain neck/ shoulder
- Paraolecranon area
- anconeus
- Soft spot
- Radiocapitullar joint
Look for effusion
Look in the semiflexed elbow
Skin conditions (SEADS)
Attitude and deformity
Look from the Front, Side, and Behind [ Usually in flexed position]
Ask the patient to stand straight, arm by side of the body, elbow flexed, forearm supinated, palm looking forward, fingers extended
Carrying Angle
Normal outward deviation of extended and supination forearm from the axis of the arm
Look for bicep bulge/ bicep tendons
Cubital fossa
Flexion deformity
Male : 7 – 10 degree
Female: 10-15 degree
Carrying angle cannot be demonstrated in flexion attitude as it disappears in pronation of forearm and flexion of the elbow
Front Side
Look for anterior and posterior broadening of the elbow
The prominence of medial and lateral condyle of humerus
From Behind
- See whether it is prominent?
- Whether it is displaced or not?
Paraolecranon fullness/ depression
Tricep muscle bulge/ tricep tendon
The upper end of ulna/ Back of medial and lateral epicondylar tips
Anconeous triangle
In the case of the fluid collection, this portion usually bulges
Lies anconeus muscle
- Radial Head
- Tip of olecranon
- Lateral Epicondyle
- Localized: Rheumatoid nodules, Olecranon bursitis
- Diffused: Effusion-> semi-flexed position
Earliest sign filling out of the hollow in flexed elbow above the olecranon
Next is swelling of the radiohumeral joint
See for muscle wasting in the arm and forearm
Local rise of temperature
Palpate normal side-> then affected side-> then again normal side
- Infective (Pyogenic/ tubercular)
- Inflammatory (Polyarthritis/ Acute myositis)
- Traumatic
- Fresh Injury
- Hematoma
Over bony prominence and Joint line
- Maximum Point of tenderness
- Lateral epicondyle=Tennis elbow
- Medial epicondyle= Golfer elbow
- The lower end of humerus=Supracondylar fracture of Humerus (Palpate with elbow semiflexed and forearm supinated)
- Radial head= Radial head fracture
- Fix arm side of the chest, flex to 30-degree elbow and by supinating/ pronating palpate radial head)
- Upper end of ulna= Olecranon fracture
- In bony components:
- Look for
- Tenderness
- Irregularity
- Bowing
- Thickening
- Steps
Palpate soft tissue components
- Medial aspects
- Lateral Aspects
- Anterior aspects
- Posterior aspects
Ulnar nerve palpation
Supratrochlear Lymph nodes
Describe 3 Bony point relationship
- Should make a mark on both the sides
- Compare with the opposite side
- In Flexion= Near isosceles triangle
- In Extension= Straight
Palpation of the supratrochlear group of Lymph Nodes
Flex elbow 90° to relax structures
Palpate the anterior surface of the medial intermuscular septum, 1 cm above the medial epicondyle
Enlarged Lymph nodes will slip between the finger and thumb
Palpable in
- Unilateral: Infective lesions in hand, wrist, forearm
- Bilateral: Syphilis
Fluctuant ( Effusion, Bursitis)
Filling up concavity on each side of the olecranon
Swelling over anconeus
The cross fluctuation between medial para olecranon swelling and posterolateral swelling => Fluid in joint
Palpation of Mobile wad of three
- Brachioradialis
Originates from lateral epicondyle and its supracondylar ridge
Palpate with the forearm in neutral position and wrist in rest
( Normally muscles are tractable under the skin and can be moved between fingers)
Palpation of cubital fossa
Biceps tendon- Brachial Artery- Median Nerve
Palpation of ulnar nerve
In the groove behind the medial epicondyle
Flex the elbow
Palpate with 3-4 fingers and check
- Thickened or not
- Pliable or fixed
- Tender or not
- Normal position or not
Always compare with another side
Elbow Flexion
Ask patient to attempt to touch both shoulders (135°-145°)
Elbow Extension
Ask the patient to straighten their elbow (Normal 0°)
Hyperextension up to 15° can be possible in
- Adolescence female
- Ligament laxity
- Ehler Danlos syndromeme
Fixed Flexion Deformity (FFD)
In all fixed flexion deformity extension is 0°
Free flexion can be present
In fixed flexion deformity of 20°, extension is 0° and free flexion can be present between 20° to 90°
Forearm Supination/ Pronation
Ask the patient to flex the elbow to 90°
Fix the elbow to the side of the chest
Rotate closed fist with palm Upward (Supination), Downward (Pronation) -> Generally Pen is used
Supination = 80°
Muscle action of Elbow
3 Bony Point
Arm length and girth (maximum girth from the bony point)
Forearm Length: From lateral epicondyle to radial styloid
Arm Length: Angle of the acromion to Lateral epicondyle
To identify, trace the spinous process medially at the point where it bends forward to become the angle of acromion
Special Tests for Elbow Examination
Test for Tennis Elbow
Flex the elbow
Pronate the hand
Extend the elbow
Pain over the lateral epicondyle
(Also increase by flexion of the wrist)
Maudsley’s Test
Resisted 3rd Digital extension
Cozen test
Resisted wrist extension with radial deviation and full pronation
Chair test
Ask the patient to attempt to lift the chair of about 3.5 kg in weight with the elbow extended and shoulder flexed to 60°
Difficult in performing this maneuver is suggestive of a positive test
Mill’s maneuver
Ask the patient to keep his elbow straight and wrist flexed
Pronate the forearm
A patient will have pain in the lateral epicondyle
Tests for Golfer’s elbow
Reverse Mill’s maneuver
Flex the elbow
Supinate hand and extend the elbow and wrist
Pain over medial epicondyle (+)
Reverse Cozen test
Seated patient and elbow flexed 120°
Forearm supinated with the wrist slightly flexed towards the ulna
Examiner put pressure on the palm using one hand
Stabilized elbow and palpate medial epicondyle
Pain (+)
Other Test:
Ask the patient to keep elbow extended and forearm supinated
Ask to make a fist
Flex the wrist against the resistance of the examiner
Pain (+)
Elbow Instability
Test for ligamentous laxity
Flex elbow to 30 degrees
- Varus Stress test
- Valgus Stress test
Posterolateral rotational Instability
Flex the elbow to 30° to unlock the olecranon from the olecranon fossa, maximally externally rotating the humerus to stabilize the shoulder joint
Apply Valgus force ( to access the medial ligaments)
Then fully internally rotating the humerus and applying a varus force to access the lateral ligaments
Distal pulses
Examination of the cervical spine
Examination of the elbow of the opposite side