Cranial nerve examination

Cranial nerve examination

Cranial nerve examination is a part of neurological examinations where 12 cranial nerves are examined in sequences. 12 pairs of Cranial Nerves OOO Timro Tyo Aakha Fikka Vo Gajal Varera Aau Hai Olfactory Nerve (I) First, take consent in all examinations: Check Nasal patency=>Close eyes =>Place strong stimulus Stimulus is: Soap Lemon Garlic Cardamom (soap, […]

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 Motor Examination

Motor Examination

Motor examination is a part of the neurological examination discussed in the following 7 headings: Consists of the following headings: Nutrition/Bulk Tone Power Reflex Coordination Gait Abnormal movements Nutrition/Bulk Upper limb Above olecranon process and below 10 cm, mark it and measure the circumference Lower Limb The superior border of the patella: 18 cm above […]

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 Higher mental function

Higher mental function

Higher mental function examination is the initiation of the neurological examination and without proper assessment of these in detail examiner should not proceed forward to further examinations. AVPU A: Alert V: Arousable with verbal command–> Drowsy P: Arousable with painful stimulus –>Stupor U: Not arousable Other Higher mental function evaluations: GLASGOW COMA SCALE (GCS) A […]

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 Sensory examination

Sensory examination

Sensory examination is a part of the neurological examination carried out as large, small fibres and cortical sensations. Depends upon the following 3 types sensory examination can be explained. Small fibres Large fibres Cortical Sensation Two types of sensation are seen in the case of nerve injury Positive Symptoms Negative Symptoms Positive Symptoms Nerve is […]

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 Cerebellar Examination

Cerebellar Examination

Cerebellar examination is a part of a complete neurological examination concerned with the evaluation of all the functions of the cerebellum. Classification of cerebellum 1. Archicerebellum: Concerned with truncal movement, balance, posture 2. Paleocerebellum: Concerned mainly with tone 3. Neocerebellar(major portion): Concerned with crude movements The nucleus of the cerebellum DEFG Dentate Embolism Fastigii Globus […]

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